Thursday, October 23, 2008

Star Fruit a Killer?

Wasn't sure if there's any truth in this, so my friend did a quick search. Medical blog for Malaysian medical professionals says quite the same thing!

This is not an April Fool Joke. But a stern reminder to all my readers. We were advised to have a few servings of fruits a day in order to rep the benefits of fruits right? But obviously this is one big no-no fruit to be excluded from your f ruity feast!

In Shenzen, more than 10 people who consumes the star fruit had died. And now a 66-year-old, Malaysian who has been suffering from kidney ailment fell into coma after eating the start fruits. Yes, all it takes is one fruit or 100ml of its juice and the ordinarily harmless star fruit transforms poison in a mat! ter of hours for kidney patients. So does this mean, people without kidney problems should be fine with star fruit! My take: Not at all! Prevention is better right?

Universiti Malaya Medical Centre consultant nephrologist said that star fruits contain a neurotoxin which is not present in other fruits. It affects the brain and nerves. In healthy persons, the kidneysfilter it out. But for those with kidney problems, this potent toxin cannot be removed and will worsen the consumers' conditions.

The symptoms of start fruit poisoning include:
  • Hiccups
  • Numbness and weakness
  • Feeling confused
  • Agitation
  • Epileptic fist
The risk of death is high if you are having kidney ailments! But healthy individuals should beware of this fruit's potential toxin too. It could also cripple your vitality if you are not lucky. So don't take it for granted. It's better to avoid them

Friday, October 10, 2008

Understanding Food Safety

Food safety is something that has become a major concern these days. We've read over the news of many problems that have spewed recently - E-coli breakout and the Avian Flu to name a few.

Understanding Food Safety

Many people do not think about food safety until a food related illness affects them or a family member. Diarrhoea diseases is the leading causes of illness and death in less developed countries, killing approximately 1.8 million people annually, in which the victims are mostly children.

Food safety basically means knowing how to avoid the spreading of bacteria and more as well as safe food preparation. The most common illness caused by unsafe food is food poisoning. While this may be a simple case of purging, but in some situations, it will be very serious and result in death.

Therefore, do not take any case of food poisoning lightly, let it be a warning o
n what you are doing wrong and if eating out, whether that particular restaurant is such a good idea.

Take Charge Of Your Food Safety

1: Keep Clean

Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation. Always wash your hands after going to the toilet. Also, do wash and sanitise all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation to avoid cross-contamination. Protect your kitchen areas from insects, pests and other animal that could carrying host of bacte
ria with them.

2: Separate Raw And Cook Food When Preparing Food
Use separate equipment and utensils such as knives and cutting boards when dealing with both raw and cooked food. When storing, keep into containers to avoid with raw and prepared food.

3: Cook Thoroughly
Food such as meat, poultry, eggs and seafood is especially dangerous when undercooked. Proper cooking kills almost all dangerous microorganisms. Food such as minced meat, large joints of meat and whole p
oultry require additional attention. Cooking food to a temperature seventy degree celcius will ensure whatever bacteria or germs are killed, making it safe for consumption.

4: Keep Food At A Safe Temperature

Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours, refrigerate all cooked and perishable food; keep cooked food piping hot prior serving, do not tempted to store food for ages in the refrigerator an
d finally, do not thaw frozen food at room temperature. By keeping your food at safe temperature below 5 degree celcius or above 60 degree celcius, will slow down or stop completely the growth of microorganisms.

5: Use Safe Water And Raw Materials
Wash and peel your raw food selections. Stick to fresh and wholesome foods. When it comes to dairy, pick foods processed for safety, such as pasteurised milk. And most importantly, do not use any food beyond expiry date.

  • 1,000 times as many germs can spread from damp hands than dry hands.
  • If you are ill, do not handle food for others. Also, do not sneeze or cough near food.
  • Avoid wearing dirty clothes when working in the kitchen. When cooking, wear a clean apron but don't wipe your hands on it!
  • If you are preparing a feast for the entire family, remove your watch, rings and bracelets to avoid cross-contamination.
  • A 1mm hair follicle can harbour 50,000 germs!
  • Do not brush or comb your hair.